CCI - 18th Biennial Convention Prague

Dear Friends and Members of CCI
Our next international meeting will be in the beautiful central European city of Prague, the birth place of world champion Wilhelm Steinitz in May 1836. There is much history to be seen as Prague Castle dates from the end of the 9th century and the city flourished during the 14th-century reign (1346-1378) of Charles lV, Holy Roman Emperor and the king of Bohemia of the new Luxembourg dynasty. As King, Charles transformed Prague into an imperial capital and at that time it was the thirdlargest city in Europe after Rome and Constantinople.
We anticipate a high attendance for this meeting as many members and friends have already indicated their wish to participate. Early bookings are therefore advised, to take advantage of the special discounted room rates. Members of the Chess History & Literature Society, which is dedicated to the collection of chess books, are again cordially invited.
Yours Sincerely
Michael Wiltshire
Michael NegeleGrand Hotel Europa, Prague 2015
Michael NegeleTower on Charles Bridge, Prague 2015
Michael NegeleDům U Nováků, home of the 4th Chess Olympiad 1931, Prague 2015
Michael NegeleArt Nouveau house in Josefov, Prague 2015
Michael NegeleView over Wenceslas Square, Prague 2015
Michael NegeleStained glass with logo of Tesla Radio in Pasáž Světozor, Prague 2015
Michael NegeleCH&LS members at Franzensbad, 2017 - Bob van de Velde, Werner Rupp and wife, Bernd Schneider, Karl Klittich
Michael NegelePlaque at the former entrance to the birthplace of Wilhelm Steinitz on Široká ulice in Prague 2015