Calle Erlandsson 80

One of the founding members of KWA, Calle Erlandsson, reached the mature age of 80 years on May 20. He is today the most avid and active chess collector in Sweden, having over the years amassed a most impressive collection, particularly in the field of chess magazines. Calle has in addition contributed more to Swedish chess than anybody else I can think of. Being a dedicated correspondence player in his younger days, he took active part in SSKK, the section of the Swedish Chess Federation organizing correspondence tournaments, for many years. He also transformed their magazine SSKK-bulletinen from being a plain results list to a magazine full of interesting content. Note that this was before any kind of computer support was available for manuscripts and layout.
One of the leading clubs in Sweden, LASK, was close to disappear in the 90s. At one point there was not even annual reports issued for several years. With an enormous effort Calle was able to gather forces and money to save the sinking ship. The goal of again qualifying for the top team league was reached according to plan. The club is still going strong, but very much depending on Calle’s services like book keeping, general administration and tournament organization. A special achievement is Cellavision, a weekend open included in the Swedish GP series.
Apart from chess, Calle has a good knowledge in art, philately and the Olympic Games, the latter of course subject to another interesting collection.
Don’t get the impression from the above that Calle is a single minded collector. He has always showed great engagement in his family and is a generous person always (maybe too much) willing to help.
Please join me in wishing Calle a great birthday and many good years to come!
Peter Holmgren