Business Trip into a Winter's tale
by Michael Negele
I could take advantage of the invitation to a workshop with representatives of the new European Chemicals Agency at Helsinki to visit the wonderful antiquarian bookshop of our founder member Kimmo Välkesalmi. In spite of difficult road conditions – the severe winter had Helsinki under control that afternoon with biting cold temperatures down to -10°C – my colleague and I could quite well reach the shop on foot from the hotel. Then we had a nice conversation with Kimmo – a long-time barter partner – naturally about chess in Finland and chess books, certainly he had several thousand to view in his shop. At least I could buy three interesting items, among them this strange game collection of the meanwhile inactive GM Heikki Kallio:

A brochure of 42 pages containing 31 (undated) games. Self published, Vaasa 2008.
The author has switched to professional poker in the meantime. Here the link to his web site and to the Wikipedia page (in German only).
The origin of the beautifully designed chess set for blind persons (photo below) remained unclear. However Kimmo was completely enthusiastic when I advised him of the historical importance of his youngest new acquisition – Amsterdam 1889: Emanuel Lasker’s first international tournament.
The bookshop of Kimmo Välkesalmi, Web: -
The impressive chess department of the bookshop -
Kimmo Välkesalmi in his area -
A special chess set for blind persons -
Kimmo Välkesalmi and Michael Negele
The additional photographs give a little impression of the deeply snow-covered metropolis in the North.
The Alexander Theatre, directly adjacent to the hotel -
Ice hockey – national sport in Finland -
Children in the "snowbox" instead of sand – that will harden. -
View of the cathedral from the Senate Place – in the centre Czar Alexander II. -
The Uspenski Cathedral "towers" over the harbour, the Russian influence is distinctive. It was ice-cold here.