Board meeting in Brunswick
Board Meeting June 2008 in Brunswick
This year's summer auction of the House of Klittich-Pfankuch gave a chance for the present board members to meet beforehand in a small circle and to discuss current matters.
The minutes of the meeting will soon be prepared by our treasurer and then made available in our member section. Therefore we will present only a few photos here accompanied by some short remarks.
On this occasion we would like to call again to mind that quite a lot of members haven't paid yet their annual fee for 2008, and we appeal to those concerned to carry out the transfer to our well-known KWA account (see Imprint) as soon as possible. A punctual payment is not least necessary because of further KWA book projects which require some (pre)financing.
With regard to the publication of Yuletide 2007/2008 Jurgen Stigter has indicated that he intends a special edition on the occasion of the association's anniversary "5 Years Ken Whyld Association" - probably two Yuletide editions will come out at the same time. For their distribution only those members should be considered who have paid their membership fee 2008.
With the new KWA publication Obliged to Tradition ... some advertising on our own account should be allowed: Don't wait till the subscription has run out, especially as a member you will still get this work for a very good price! - if you order by 30 June, a short mail to Bernd Schneider will do ...
Here the link to our page 'Publications' with all information needed
... as well as very first voices we received in recent days:
I was very pleasantly surprised at how splendid and sumptuous the final production turned out. Congratulations! (Leonard Skinner)
The magnificent book has arrived in exquisite condition! Nice packaging. (J. Ken MacDonald)
A beautiful book (and certainly a lot of work for the authors). (Karel Mokry)
It's a very impressive piece of scholarship and contains much information that I'm sure was not easy to track down. We will add it to the John G. White collection for reference and future scholars. (Lissa Waite, Cleveland Public Library)
Have just received a copy of "Obliged to Tradition", which is another splendid example of good chess literature, published with the help of your Italian friends. (Gordon Cadden to Michael Negele)
Mir gefällt dieses Buch sehr gut. Es ist eine bisher einmalige Zusammenstellung, aber nicht nur dies. Festschriften, das klingt / klang für mich sehr "trocken", aber der Bildanhang ab S. 183 bringt in mehrfacher Hinsicht Farbe in die Angelegenheit. Für einen Sammler sehr wichtig, weil die Titelseiten sehr ansprechend sind. Toller und klarer Druck! Ich habe fast ausschließlich von hinten nach vorne geblättert und dann gelesen! (Siegfried Schönle)
It is a very impressive book in every aspect. I did not realise it would be such a large size and it is very nice to have it in English language as well as German. It would be good if there was such a book for English chess clubs but I don't think many of them produced commemorative publications. My own chess club "Metropolitan" in London produced a good one back in 1990 for their 100 years. (Tony Peterson)
I have got your book Der Tradition verpflichtet ..., an extraordinary collection of historical information! (Carlo A. Pagni)
After receiving our book the President of the German Chess Federation, Prof. Robert von Weizsäcker has sent a kind letter to Michael Negele which we present below:
... maybe you too will write us a line about the book?!