Auction of some interesting books

Michael Negele
Michael WiltshireMichael Wiltshire, President of Chess Collectors International (CCI), is selling some interesting books at an auction on May 26th at Forum Auctions.
Here is the list:
- LOT 334: Il Giuoco de gli Scacchi, Ridotto in Poema Eroico, second edition, Vicenza, Appresso Perin Libraro, e Giorgio Greco Compag., 1607.
- LOT 335: The Royall Game of Chesse-Play, first edition in English, Printed for Henry Herringman, 1656.
- LOT 336: Chess Made Easy, Printed for J. and P. Knapton...and W. Sandby, 1750.
- LOT 337: The History of Chess, first edition, 1764.
- LOT 340: Il Giuoco Incomparabile degli Scacchi, second edition, Venice, Simone Occhi, 1773.
- LOT 341: Essays on Chess adapted to the European Mode of Play, first edition, Bombay, Printed for the Author, by M.D. Cruz, 1814.
- LOT 342: The Noble Game of Chess, 2 parts in 1, first edition, Printed for J. Brindley, 1745.