Another autumn event - book market and board meeting at the Max Euwe-Centrum
In the middle of November (more precisely on 18/11/2006) a small group of collectors was again drawn to the Amsterdam Max Euwe-Centrum in order to combine the selling of duplicates and the purchase of new works at the book market there.
Jurgen Stigter and Ralf Binnewirtz with first inspections at the "joint table" of Detlef Krämer (in between them) and Michael Negele (not in the photo). -
Pierre Voss (on the right) having a look at Dusan Vukovic’s range of books. -
There was also an extensive book table of the Max Euwe-Centrum itself, but Calle Erlandsson had discovered different hunting-grounds. -
Detlef Krämer (on the right) from Cologne visited the MEC book market for the first time, on the left (looking directly into the camera) Calle Erlandsson. -
Our treasurer Bert Corneth joined in as well. -
Versatile Swede meets Dutch study expert - Calle Erlandsson and Harrie Grondijs. -
Dutchmen being by themselves – Peter de Jong is paying a visit to Joop Jansen. -
I wonder if Harrie Grondijs and Jurgen Stigter are involved in problems of artistic chess? -
bernd and Calle having a red wine - cheers then! -
Start of the KWA board meeting attending mainly to the Lasker book project. Tony Gillam (on the left) told about his research on Lasker’s stay in England, small gaps in Lasker’s life (1902!) still require further search and crosschecking different sources. Peter de Jong (above on the right) reported on "Lasker from the Dutch point of view", he was able to present us amazing findings on Lasker’s life in the Netherlands. It is to be expected from the present promising results that in 2008 a Lasker biography rewritten in large sections will come out! -
Round-table talks on Lasker – (from the left) Bert Corneth, Michael Negele, Ralf Binnewirtz and Jurgen Stigter. The latter has to face the difficult subject "Lasker as a mathematician" while our webmaster (RB) will soon tackle "Lasker as a problemist". -
Jurgen Stigter, Tony Gillam, Peter de Jong as well as Harrie Grondijs who has already worked on "Lasker’s endgame studies" (in "excessive length"). -
Eveline Dirksen (standing) once again took care of the catering – as a refreshment the participants were offered some cakes and drinks. On this occasion again many thanks to our hostess!
After 4 pm a short board meeting with a reduced team was held at the association's seat (house of Jurgen Stigter), you will be informed about the essential results by Michael Negele's current circular.