Alan McGowan: Kurt Richter - A Chess Biography with 499 Games

A good two and a half years ago, our member Alan McGowan announced in a query a book about the German chess master Kurt Richter (A query by Alan McGowan). He has now completed this book and has been published by the publisher McFarland. His 368-page biography contains 499 games and 93 photos.

See also:

Publications of our Members: McGowan, Alan

[Update 2018-11-15] The author, Alan McGowan, sent us the following words about his work:

This is the first work in English devoted to the life and games of a significant figure in German chess.

Kurt Richter (1900-1969) won the Berlin championship many times, was German champion in 1935, and represented his country in the Olympiads at Hamburg 1930, Prague 1931 and Munich 1936. He was awarded the International Master title in 1950.

Although he had numerous over-the-board successes, Richter was more interested in how individual games were played, rather than his place in the tournament table. And although a large number of games are offered (wins, draws and losses), the book is intended to present a much broader picture of its subject.

Richter was also known for his chess journalism. He helped edit three major German chess periodicals – Schachwart, Deutsche Schachblätter and Deutsche Schachzeitung – and he conducted a popular column in Schach from 1953 until his death. His numerous books helped to popularise the game, particularly those dealing with combinations and the middlegame.

The book includes 93 photos/illustrations - most of which have never before been seen in a chess publication - appendices (tournament results, reviews of his favourite openings), notes, bibliography and indexes.

Several members of the KWA/CHLS assisted in the research.

Format: library binding (8.5 x 11)
Pages: 368
pISBN: 978-1-4766-6906-9
eISBN: 978-1-4766-3320-6
Imprint: McFarland

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