Advance notice to the next CCI meeting

Meanwhile it has a good tradition, that CCI German invites the members of the Chess History & Literature Society to their annual meetings. So Wolfgang Angerstein has sent already the preliminary information, see below.
In 2006 the KWA had already the opportunity to visit Ströbeck village:
The German CCI meeting will be from Oct. 3 (reception and welcome drink at the hotel at 6 p.m.) until Oct. 6 (farewell lunch). We will have an exhibition of chess elephants “in memoriam Hans Holländer”. And we will visit the chess village Ströbeck, where chess has a tradition since medieval times and is taught in the local elementary school. We will also see the medieval rock crystal chess piece in the dome of Halberstadt. There will be our traditional chess market again, and of course we will have several lectures on Saturday morning (Oct. 5). We are still looking for some speakers.
Our hotel will be the “Villa Heine” in Halberstadt (250 meters resp. 5 minutes walking distance from the Halberstadt railway station). I negotiated a special price including breakfast buffet (75 € per night in a single room, 123 € per night in a double room). The rooms can be booked under the keyword “Schach” until Sept. 12. Please contact the hotel reception under 0049-3941-31400 or by email ( The website is
Mrs. Baltzer (the director of the Ströbeck chess museum), Dr. Thomsen and I are still working on the final programme which will include the usual dinners, lunches, guided tours and most probably a simultaneous chess tournament in Ströbeck. We will certainly keep you informed. As usual foreign guests are heartily invited and very welcome!
Wolfgang Angerstein
Some pictures from the meeting in 2006: