76th Auction at Klittich-Pfankuch auction house on 22nd June 2019

Marco Nolte, Adelheid Klittich-Pfankuch and Dr. Karl Klittich
Marco Nolte, Adelheid Klittich-Pfankuch and Dr. Karl Klittich

On the eve of the Saturday auction Adelheid Klittich-Pfankuch and our board member Dr. Karl Klittich invited the CH&LS members and guests to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the antiquarian bookshop Karl Pfankuch, founded in 1919.

Karl explained in a short speech the relation between the Klittich-Pfankuch auction house and the still existing Karl Pfankuch & Co, nowadays a renowned stamp & coin dealer.


Also Karl summarized, how our late friend Roger Klittich, a lawyer by training, had started the auction business. Just be chance, as a great number of confiscated Russian Icons had to be auctioneered for the Brunswick authorities.

Interesting also the chess business was introduced in the Klittich-Pfankuch antiquarian bookshop more or less by chance. It started in the 23rd auction in 12th June 1993 - more than a quarter of a century ago.

If you will browse through that catalogue and you compare with the 76th auction the next day, it is amazing, how the collecting scenary has changed.

Michael Negele

More information:

  • An article by Michael Dombrowsky at chessbase.de (in German language)

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