News archive

Our German member from Forchheim, Rudolf Glenk has again released a small book in a beautiful bibliophilic get-up:
Kachelofenprobleme [Tiled Stove Problems]
- 2nd revised and corrected edition.
Read more in our column New Chess Literature.
PS (23-12-2016): A new biographical article by Michael Negele has just been published on the DSB website, it deals with Richard Teichmann who was born 148 years ago right on this day:
Genug des Stumpfsinns, Remis ... Richard der Fünfte kam aus Altenburg.
Paul Schmidt biography

The Paul Schmidt biography by Anthony Gillam and Michael Negele - we have mentioned it several times - is still in preparation. On their trip to the USA Bob van de Velde and Michael Negele paid a visit to Jim and Regina Magacs in Binghamton, NY - the latter is a daughter of Paul Schmidt and she will also provide an English translation of the German part of the book.
CSQ 25 - XI 2016

Certainly the beginning of Germany's 'fifth' or 'foolish' season on 11-11 and the simultaneous start of the World Chess Championship in New York City are not interrelated. Apart from that, we can offer today the November issue of our KWA newsletter − CSQ 25 will be the last number of the CSQ series in the conventional form. As customary, it is available in our member section − we hope you enjoy!
PS: The new website of CCI Germany is meanwhile online − have a look at
PPS (15-11-2016): CSQ 25 slightly updated on p. 2 (Siegfried Schönle added).
PPPS (21-11-2016): Chess artist Elke Rehder has just published two contributions on her website - please see the page The history of chess in the 19th century: "Chess magazines in Europe and the USA" as well as "Chess columns in newspapers" - both in English.
A pictorial report (in German) on the CCI meeting in Altenburg is online:
26-11-2016: Mario Ziegler has published a note on the Altenburg meeting, see his Chaturanga site: Schachgeschichte im Geburtsort des Skatspiels.
Busnardo Biography

Stefano Zulian, our Italian member from Borso del Grappa has written a biography of the priest Lorenzo Busnardo − the life of an adventurous chess master from the Renaissance.
15-02-2017: Please note that a revised version (January 2017) of the synoptical table referred to in the article is available on the latest website of the study.
Chess Exhibit Bad Aibling

Once again the Schach- und Kulturstiftung G.H.S. is planning a chess exhibition, the vernissage will take place in Bad Aibling from 19 November to 4 December.
Read more on our page Events.
PS: Mario Ziegler has been included in the column Publications of our Members.
Caissa 2/2016

The second issue of the excellent magazine Caissa (No. 2/2016) has just been released.
You will find the usual details (contents, excerpts from the articles, etc.) on
Menchik biography by Kalendovský

Recently a biography of Vera Menchik-Stevenson has been published, written by our member Jan Kalendovský. Michael Negele has provided a short presentation with some excerpts from the book.
Read more in our column New Chess Literature.
Facsimile Südwestdt. SZ

Our member Martin Ramsauer (Marbach, Germany) would like to point to a new publication from his publishing house: a facsimile of the Südwestdeutsche Schach-Zeitung, 1887-1890 (2nd to 5th volume). You will find all details in this pdf file (4 MB).
PS: A new historical article by Michael Negele has just been released: Sieben auf einen Streich - die Plejaden. Die Komplettierung einer Berliner Herrenrunde (DSB website).
Wladimir Sokolow

Wladimir V. Sokolow
* 27-03-1950 † 28-09-2016
Wladimir Sokolow, who had left our association already some years ago, was one of our founder members. After a severe illness he passed away in September, he leaves his wife Elsa and a daughter. There is a short obituary on the site of his chess club, the SV 23 Böckingen (in German).
Albrecht Buschke
Marcel Duchamp item for sale
Frank Hoppe and Löberitz 2016
Auswertung Umfrage

Meanwhile Michael Negele has evaluated the poll for chess historical contributions on the DSB site, please see Auswertung der Umfragen zur Schachgeschichte. There you will also learn what’s behind the photo on the left.
PS: Now included in the column "Publications of our Members": Peter Monté and Friedrich-Karl Hebeker.
Kornik 2016 chess event
Article on Vitzthum v. Eckstädt

A further contribution by a guest author has been published on the DSB site: Conrad Woldemar Graf Vitzthum von Eckstädt - Der elegante Schachmeister by our member Dr. Hans Ellinger (Tübingen).
Photo from DWS 40, 3 Oct. 1909 (supplement)
100th anniversary of Paul Schmidt

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Paul Felix Schmidt (*20-08-1916 Narwa [Narva], Estonia; †11-08-1984 Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA) and of the 130th anniversary of his father Paul Roderich Schmidt (*20-08-1886 Fellin [Viljandi], Estonia; †21-04-1969 Heidelberg, Germany) we give a short note with some information on the former, who was a chemist by profession and a strong chess IM.
Max Lange portrait

Again we can point to a new article by our diligent writer Michael Negele, this time on the famous Max Lange who was also president of the German Chess Federation in the fading 19th century. Have a look at the DSB website: Dr. Max Lange - Der Bund verdient denjenigen Verwalter, den er sich wählt ...
Photo: Max Lange (from DWS 1895)
CSQ 24 - VIII 2016

This time our CSQ newsletter (issue 24) offers 22 pages - it concludes the 6th year of our quarterly. Our new chairman, Bob van de Velde has contributed a markedly extensive editorial, consequently 2 pages were required for the introduction. As customary, you can look it up in our member section (password protected).
Hebeker book on Engels

A new chess biography has just been released by the publishing house Chaturanga, written by our member Prof. Friedrich-Karl Hebeker on the former German chess master Ludwig Engels who stayed in South America after the Chess Olympiad Buenos Aires 1939 and moved to Brazil in 1941.
Read more on our page New Chess Literature.
Conclusion by M. Negele

In the last 10 months, Michael Negele has invested a lot of work to write a series of chess historical articles to be published on the DSB website. Now he has drawn a conclusion 'Materialien zur kulturellen Bedeutung des Schachspiels' - ein Fazit, and you are asked to participate in a poll, here are the corresponding questions in English:
1) Should we go on with the column?
- Very worth reading, please continue in any case
- I read that only occasionally, I don’t care if it will be continued
- Doesn’t interest me, the column could be cancelled
2) How much are you interested in chess history?
- I am interested in all chess historical contributions
- I am only interested in contributions dealing with the more recent chess history
- I am not interested in chess historical contributions
New board appointed

Meanwhile the nomination of our new board − represented by Drs. Bob van de Velde, John Donaldson, Michael Clapham and Dr. Karl Klittich − has unanimously been confirmed by the Council of Representatives. According to our statutes, this formal act was indispensable to legalize the appointment of the board members.
We wish them all the best for fulfilling their tasks, may they have the right hands for their decisions!
PS (11-07-2016): The items of the last Klittich-Pfankuch chess auction (part of the 70th auction in June 2016) have been included with descriptions, prices and images in our BoC database (for members only, password required)!
Paul Lipke article by MN

Few news
A new article by Michael Negele has just been released on the DSB site: Paul Lipke - Ein mitteldeutscher Schachgigant der „goldenen“ Dekade.
Photo: Paul Lipke (from DSZ 1900, frontispiece)
Due to the personnel changes in our Board etc., the pages Organization and Imprint have been updated.
Moreover our page Statutes includes now the first version of the KWF&A statutes from January 2013 (previously only in the member section). An update to the current status is in preparation, we will keep you informed.
PS (25-07-2016): Statutes (first version) corrected.
Braunschweig VI 2016

Via Göttingen to Braunschweig
I practically felt obliged to attend this year’s annual KWA meeting in Braunschweig on the eve of the Klittich-Pfankuch auction, as on the one hand − after the retirement of our long-time chairman Guy Van Habberney − the course had to be newly set for the future of our association; on the other hand chess friend Godehard Murkisch had invited me to come already two days earlier to Göttingen which I had willingly accepted, all the more as it would be my first visit to the famous university town in Lower Saxony.
ExpoChess 2016

What do others do for the popularization of chess?
Elke Rehder, a visual artist with a focus on the subject chess, has dealt as an author with different chess historical questions. Presently she is providing some information about the international event ExpoChess, this year’s festival will take place from 11th to 30th of July in the Basque capital Vitoria-Gasteiz.
CCI Meeting Altenburg

The German Chess Collectors’ Meeting will take place in Altenburg (Thuringia) in next November.
All details are available on our page Events.
PS (11-06-2016): This month Michael Negele presents a guest author on the DSB site - Thomas Niessen, our member from Aix-la-Chapelle has written about W.M. Popert - ein "verschollener" Begründer hanseatischer Schachtradition.
Kasparov in Mönchengladbach

On 2nd of June, Garry Kasparov was in Mönchengladbach - the event had been announced on the German ChessBase pages. We give a short note with some photographs by Michael Negele.
In Memoriam Billy Levene
ELG Lasker meeting V 2016

DSB webmaster Frank Hoppe has published a report on the last Lasker meeting in Berlin on 20th of May, when Michael Negele gave a lecture (status report) on the new Lasker monograph:
Lasker-Monografie bekommt gleich drei Nachfolger
You will find there (and also in our member section) the corresponding Powerpoint slides (as PDF).
Photo: Emanuel Lasker (Nottingham 1936)
Caissa 1/2016

Good things come to those who wait!
The first issue of the new periodical Caissa - Journal of Chess and Board Game History has just been released. More details in our column New Chess Literature.
PS (10-05-2016): Again we can announce a new article by Michael Negele - this time on Bernhard (actually Benjamin) Horwirtz: Ein Mecklenburger Jude schuf die Grundlage der modernen Endspieltheorie.
Addenda Belgian Bibliography

Henri Serruys and Guy Van Habberney announce the publication of the Corrigenda and Addenda 2016 of their Belgian Chess Publications, as well as a very limited luxury edition of the complete Belgian bibliography. All details in this pdf file!
Postsjakk digitized

Morten Lilleøren has informed us that the Norwegian journal Postsjakk, which changed its name to Fjernsjakk in 2007 has been completely digitized from the beginning in 1945 to 2015: 70 years, 541 issues and 11660 pages, including inter alia articles and 4456 chess games, mostly postal games. This is the official journal of the Norwegian Correspondence Chess Association (NFSF). There is also a brief history of the journal, written by Morten Lilleøren (unfortunately only in Norwegian). –
The online publishing happened to coincide with the release of issue no. 1/2016. With the release of this number, the editor of the magazine, Øystein Sande, has been the editor in chief for exactly 25 years.
Links: and (direct link to the issues)
PS (22-04-2016): The journal Patt - Norsk Sjakkorgan, which was published in a short period in 1973-74, has been digitized as well - see
Yugslavian bibliography

A new book from the workshop of our Belgrade member Dušan Drajić will be released soon, produced exclusively for the KWA members. The deadline for ordering should be observed!
Read more in our column New Chess Literature.
PS (17-04-2016): A new biographical article by Michael Negele is online – have a look at In der vollen Blüte des Lebens ... Paul Clemens Seuffert – das tragische Ende eines Enthusiasten ... (DSB website).
A query by Alan McGowan

I am working on a manuscript for an English language book about the Berlin chess master, author and editor, Kurt Richter (1900-1969).
I am asking if any KWA members have any information or illustrations that they may be willing to share with me, and that might be used in the book.
I already have a considerable amount of information, including most of all the relevant German chess periodicals from 1925-1970, as well as copies of all books Richter authored or edited.
Therefore, if anyone is able/willing to help, it is likely that information would include personal connections, reminiscences, or illustrations not available elsewhere.
I acquired some personal papers and photographs from Richter's brother, Gerhard, but by that time a considerable amount of material had already gone to friends and collectors. (Thanks to Michael Negele and the late Ralph Schiffmann for previous help in this regard.)
Thank you, and best wishes to all.
Alan McGowan
Historian, Chess Scotland
Dale Brandreth website

For your information:
Due to health problems, Dale Brandreth’s web site Caissa Editions Bookstore will not be maintained for the foreseeable future. Dale has recently suffered a stroke, we wish him all the best for a speedy recovery.
PS (05-03-2016): We can offer a new article by Michael Negele on Curt Carl Alfred von Bardeleben (- first German chess master of the "modern style"): Berliner Fenstersturz – das tragische Ende eines Exzentrikers.
Zurich Chess Challenge 2016
Jonathan Manley's query

Jonathan Manley, chief editor of Kingpin Chess Magazine wonders whether any KWA member might be interested in reviewing any of the following recent historical works for
The Classical Era of Modern Chess (Monté)
Chess Competitions, 1971-2010 (Di Felice)
Ignaz Kolisch: The Life and Chess Career (Zavatarelli)
Please contact Jonathan Manley - email - if you wish to contribute a review.
Sonja Graf in the WCHoF

We are pleased to hear that the German born female chess master Sonja Graf-Stevenson has been included in the World Chess Hall of Fame - see this page of the WCHoF website! So from coming April both Mrs. Stevenson (the other is Vera Menchik) will decorate the walls of the World Chess Hall of Fame in Saint Louis.
On this occasion we remind of Michael Negele’s extensive article Schicksal eines Fräuleinwunders - der Lebensweg der Sonja Graf-Stevenson (PDF, 1st edition 2004, updated 2007), as well as the page Childhood of Sonja (Susanna) Graf ....
Further links:
Sonja Graf in der World Chess Hall of Fame by André Schulz (German ChessBase)
Five new players in the Hall of Fame (English ChessBase)
Photo above: Vera Menchik and Sonja Graf, 1939
Adams: Chigorin

We are very pleased about a further excellent biography of one of the chess greats (predominantly) of the 19th century ...
Read more in our column New Chess Literature.
PS (14/02/2016):
We still give a link to Michael Clapham's new blog Chess Book Chats:
PPS (24-25/02/2016): New article by Michael Negele on Daniel Harrwitz: Ein deutscher Vorkämpfer des Schachs im Ausland.
We still add another biographical article on Reinhold Max Blümich, already published in last November.
The Lighthouses of Chess
Fonds Jean Mennerat

On coming Saturday, 6th of February, the collection of the late Jean Mennerat will be inaugurated in the Bibliothèque Municipale de Belfort. The web site of this library offers a separate page devoted to the inauguration of the "Fonds Jean Mennerat" where you can find the programme of the celebration. There is also a catalogue with a search form:
Moreover 2 pdf files (courtesy of François Mennerat):
Invitation Belfort and Press invitation Belfort
In Memoriam Jan van Reek

Jan van Reek
* 10 July 1945 † 8 August 2015
As I learned only yesterday, our member Jan van Reek had already passed away in last summer in his adopted home in Ban Phu, Thailand. Before his emigration he had lived in Margraten, South Limburg, Netherlands. The Limburgse Schaakbond has given a short notice of his death. Jan van Reek leaves his wife.
Michael Negele's chess tours III
Michael Negele's chess tours II
In remembrance of Lasker
Michael Negele's chess tours I

A chess man came travelling ...
Michael Negele's chess tours
in the 2nd half of 2015 - Part I
In the second half of 2015 Michael Negele was frequently away on chess travels, we give short résumés of all his tours in chronological order, accompanied by many photos.