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August 2023

Der Harzer Schachbund [The Harz Chess Federation]

Harzer Schachbund - book cover title page (outside), 2nd volume
Harzer Schachbund - book cover title page (outside), 2nd volume

by Siegfried Schönle [Original article in German is here. Translation by DeepL]

According to the German Chess Federation, there are over 2000 chess clubs in Germany. Each of these clubs has its own history, be it short or far back in the history of chess in Germany.

A generally perceptible sign of this are, among other things, the countless club magazines, commemorative publications, publications on club anniversaries, which as a rule find significance and attention in the narrow circle of the club and the respective city, and more rarely cause a supra-regional interest.

A brief look back into the history of chess associations or chess clubs shows that the oldest chess club in Germany was founded in Berlin in 1803 - later called the Great Chess Club. This can be proven, among other things, by the following anonymously published writing:

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Message to CH&LS members

Dear fellow members of the CH&LS,

Our treasurer Henri Serruys and I are about to prepare our report on the status of membership and annual fee payments for the General Assembly in Belfort on September 2 – where, of course, we hope to meet many of you!

In order to complete the report, we have a few requests for you:

It appears that some of the email addresses we have are no longer active – so if you have changed your email address recently please inform the secretary of the valid one!

And please observe that the payment of the membership fee for 2023 must be completed no later than August 15. If you have any questions, please contact us!

Treasurer Henri Serruys
Secretary Claes Løfgren

best wishes,
Claes Løfgren