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October 2018

Upcoming Events

There are two events that we want to point out to our members.

As already reported (Meeting of the German Section of CCI), the meeting of the CCI, German section, will be held in Seiffen (Ore Mountains) from 25 to 28 October. Et al Michael Negele will introduce the Lasker book once more.

On the 22nd and 24th of November, the 75th auction of the auction house Klittich-Pfankuch will take place. A list of the auction objects can be found on the website.

Lasker-Day in Leverkusen

Two of the proud editors could sign a bunch of copies for our friend Bernd Schneider
Two of the proud editors could sign a bunch of copies for our friend Bernd Schneider

The Bayer chessclub in Leverkusen had taken up the initiative of the German Chess Federation to celebrate a Lasker Day of Chess in autumn 2018. By chance it was also an unexpected opportunity to present Emanuel Lasker Volume I hot off the press (Article at Chess Notes)

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Three CH&LS members met at Emanuel Lasker´s birthplace

Bernd Schneider and Tomasz Lissowski in the Museum Garden
Bernd Schneider and Tomasz Lissowski in the Museum Garden

by Michael Negele

Interesting enough, I never had the opportunity to visit Emanuel Lasker´s birthplace in Barlinek (in Lasker´s time: Berlinchen in der Neumark),
a small town in Myślibórz County, in West Pomeranian Voivodeship, in northwestern Poland.

So I was most pleased, when the German Chess Federation asked me to be one of the representatives of the DSB at the Lasker Memorial rapid tournament.

And when my friend, IM Bernd Schneider, agreed to join me on that trip, and Tomasz Lissowski also promoted my idea to talk about Lasker during the break.

Prof. em. Hans-Jürgen Hochgräfe - officially the DSB-representative for German-Polish chess relations - from Rostock was most helpful to get my stay organised.

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