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November 2017
Meeting in Brunswick

On Friday 24th November the viewing for the 73rd chess - auction will take place in Braunschweig, Theaterwall 17. After the official viewing in the auction room all chessfriends are invited to have some snacks and refreshments in order to get fit again for the presentation of Mr. Wolfgang Pähtz (Jena/Germany) with his brand new book about Damenschach in Ostdeutschland (see which will start at approx. 17:30 p.m. Afterwards we've a contribution from Mr. Herbert Bastian ( about the latest details of his recent "Chapais research".
Rob Spaans: Reisgids voor Schaakliefhebbers

This book is some sort of travel guide for chess lovers. It describes more than hundred places where cultural chess motives can be found. Mostly in museums, churches and castles in The Netherlands, Germany and France. Think of extraordinary chess pieces, chess boards, chess tables, chess clocks, chess statues, chess paintings, chess tapestries, chess villages, chess mosaics, chess graves, etcetera, etcetera.
The book is in an A5 paperback format, has 328 pages, has many (black & white) pictures and sells for € 19,95.
Hopefully the most critical remark will be that the book is available only in Dutch. The title is Reisgids voor Schaakliefhebbers, which translates as "Travel guide for chess lovers".
For more information contact the author via
Rob Spaans
Albert & Crumiller: Carlsen vs. Karjakin

Jon Crumiller and GM Lev Alburt just have published a most interesting book on the World Championship Match between Magnus Carlsen and Sergei Karjakin last winter in New York City. As Bob van de Velde and I had the opportunity to visit that match during it´s desicive state, but also our friend Jon in Princeton, it is a nice remembrance to that trip.
The book itself offers an intriguing sight on the match and it´s background.
Michael Negele