News archive
October 2017
Chess players mourn IM Dr. Tamás Erdélyi

On 16 June 2017 the Hungarian grand seigneur of European chess,
IM Dr. Tamás Erdélyi,
passed away after a short, severe illness at the age of 64.
In the 80s and 90s after the fall of the Iron Curtain, he was a feared opponent at the more and more popular Central European Chess-Open. His calling, however, - for which he got a legendary reputation among chess clubs – were two other areas: On the one hand his own chess publishing house “Caissa” - for many decades there have been almost ten releases by famous authors per year – and on the other hand the chess shop linked to the publishing house which was part of almost all big European tournaments, especially in the youth sector. Despite the growing computerization of the chess sector, it was of utmost importance to him to present chess books in printed form which got more and more difficult in the last few years due to economic reasons.
Meeting of Per Skjoldager, Karl Klittich, Bob van de Velde and Michael Negele in Taulov (Fredericia, Denmark) on Sunday, October 15th, 2017

Two board members and our Danish database expert met last Sunday to discuss the current state of the ToBiblion project. The meeting was joint by the interim webeditor Michael Negele, who reported on the new logo of the CH&LS and the next steps to launch the new website of the Chess History & Literature Society.
Results of this most successful meeting will be reported in due course through the website, but also at the meeting in Brunswick on 24th November, 2017. The agenda for this meeting at the eve of the 73rd auction at Klittich-Pfankuch auction house will be communicated by the board.
Rob Spaans is now member of the Committee of cash auditors

Dear Members,
I am happy to inform you that no member of the Council and no member of the Board had any objections to the appointment of Rob Spaans as financial auditor and member of the Committee of cash auditors. On the contrary, I got several very positive reactions. By consequence Rob has been appointed beginning from September 13th.
Robert van de Velde
Obituary of Romano Bellucci

Again it´s my sad duty to report about the passing of a good friend, a founding member of the Ken Whyld Association.
In late 2002 or early 2003 I got in contact with the Italian chess editor and publisher
Romano Bellucci
(* 9th July, 1940 in Rome; † 15th September, 2017 in Venice).
His wonderful magazine Scacchi e Scienze Applicate (started in 1981) was well known to me. At that time Romano, who came already during wartimes to Venice, and was a school friend of Antonio Rosino, was most enthusiastic about German chess history.