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February 2017
Schach in Literatur und Kunst

Our member Siegfried Schönle from Kassel in Germany, whom many may remember from his contribution to the congress in KWA meeting Kiel, has compiled a work covering his extensive collection on the theme of chess in literature and art. The book is in German language.
Siegfried Schönle
Schach in Literatur + Kunst – vom Barock bis ins Jahr 2016.
Ein Sammlungsverzeichnis aus 25 Jahren.
Title translated: “Chess in Literature and Art – From the Baroque Era until into 2016.
A Catalogue of 25 Years Collecting”.
CCI meeting in Altenburg

An interesting article by Frank Hoppe (in German language) about the CCI meeting in Altenburg, can be found here:
Obituary of Rolf Glenk

Rolf Glenk
* 12-12-1937 † 3-1-2017
An obituary by Michael Negele:
It´s always a sad duty to fulfil when a long-term chess friend passed away.
Rudolf (Rolf) Glenk (1937-2017) I met for the first time in Brunswick at the Klittich auction house in the beginning of this millenium. Soon after that, in 2002 I could visit his wife Helga and Rolf in their Franconian hometown Forchheim. This was also the year, when Jurgen Stigter had initiated the so-called "Amsterdam group", the nucleus of the Ken Whyld Association. Of course Rolf, who was already a passionate collector of chess books for decades, decided to be a founding member of our Association. Pretty clear, Rolf Glenk was more than just a member: He and his club mate Udo Güldner organized our wonderful annual assembly in 2004 in Forchheim: