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January 2017
Presentations during get-together in Wijk aan Zee
In addition to our earlier announcement of the informal meeting during the Tata Steel tournament at the Raindropchess shop in La Baliza (see below Informal KWA get-together during the Tata Steel chess tournament), we are pleased to let you know that there will be two brief presentations as well: Michael Negele will give an explanation about the new English language edition – in three volumes – of the Lasker book published in 2009, while Jurgen Stigter wil discuss the content of an old letter he found in Emanuel Lasker’s Manual of Chess (London 1932) with comment on Lasker himself.
Rolf Glenk (*12-12-1937 †3-1-2017)
We sadly have to announce the passing of our foundation member Rudolf (Rolf) Glenk from Forchheim.
A obituary by Michael Negele will follow in due course. For some more detailed information see the announcement of the Forchheim chess Club (Udo Güldner) - in German language, only.
New Website Team at the start
After nearly 14 years of services as webmaster Ralf Jürgen Binnewirtz had informed the board to retire with end of 2016. As Ralf had celebrated his 65 birthday last May, his most understandable intention was inaminously accepted. In a few days my appreciation of his indispensable efforts for our Association will be filed.
Today I just want to introduce our new website team (and so two new members of the Ken Whyld Association).
Informal KWA get-together during the Tata Steel chess tournament
Several KWA members have mentioned that they will attend the Tata Steel tournament in Wijk aan Zee, during the second weekend (January 21st and 22nd). They thereby follow a long standing tradition. In the ‘rich’ years of the tournament the organisers provided a dedicated space in the commentator’s tent for the KWA to meet. Unfortunately those years have gone and we had to improvise to come together, with varying success. Thanks to the efforts of our honarary member Jurgen Stigter, Jozias Hillenkamp of the Raindropchess company ( has offered to the KWA the meeting space in their chess shop La Baliza in Wijk aan Zee. This shop is only open during the tournament. There will a bar available for snacks and drinks as well.
Read more … Informal KWA get-together during the Tata Steel chess tournament