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October 2016
Caissa 2/2016

The second issue of the excellent magazine Caissa (No. 2/2016) has just been released.
You will find the usual details (contents, excerpts from the articles, etc.) on
Menchik biography by Kalendovský

Recently a biography of Vera Menchik-Stevenson has been published, written by our member Jan Kalendovský. Michael Negele has provided a short presentation with some excerpts from the book.
Read more in our column New Chess Literature.
Facsimile Südwestdt. SZ

Our member Martin Ramsauer (Marbach, Germany) would like to point to a new publication from his publishing house: a facsimile of the Südwestdeutsche Schach-Zeitung, 1887-1890 (2nd to 5th volume). You will find all details in this pdf file (4 MB).
PS: A new historical article by Michael Negele has just been released: Sieben auf einen Streich - die Plejaden. Die Komplettierung einer Berliner Herrenrunde (DSB website).
Wladimir Sokolow

Wladimir V. Sokolow
* 27-03-1950 † 28-09-2016
Wladimir Sokolow, who had left our association already some years ago, was one of our founder members. After a severe illness he passed away in September, he leaves his wife Elsa and a daughter. There is a short obituary on the site of his chess club, the SV 23 Böckingen (in German).