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May 2013
Obituary of Lothar Schmid
In Memoriam Lothar Schmid

In Memoriam
Lothar Schmid
* 10/05/1928 Dresden-Radebeul
† 18/05/2013 Bamberg
Our famous member Lothar Schmid, Karl May publisher from Bamberg, chess grandmaster and arbiter of the century, who owned the biggest and most eminent private chess book collection worldwide, is no longer with us. Last Saturday he died of age-related illness, only a short time after his 85th birthday.
Conference in Kraków
In Memory of Knud Lysdal
In Memoriam Albert Frank
In Memoriam
Albert Frank
*28/09/1943 †02/05/2013
Again we have to forward sad news: Our Belgian member Dr. Albert Frank passed away on Thursday, 2nd of May. His son Bernard Frank told us that he died after more than five months of severe sufferings. We offer our sympathies to his family and his friends.
The funeral will take place on Friday, 10th of May at 11:30 am at the crematorium of 1490 Court-Saint-Etienne – Belgium.
Joining the KWA in February 2012, Albert Frank could be a member of our association only for a quite short time, and he had no chance to visit one of our meetings. The book Chess and Aptitudes published by him 1978 is included in our Members' Publications. Leo Hovestadt has dedicated a full page to Albert Frank - including a short interview with a photograph - at Carolus Chess.
The Hague 1928
Our member IM John Donaldson has made a great find: a marvellous historical photograph of brilliant quality, and John was so kind to allow us to publish it on our site. We combine this photo with a little competition …