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January 2013
Regional KWA Meeting in Wijk aan Zee
Once again the traditional January meeting in Wijk aan Zee was well-attended by our members. This time, besides Michael Negele also Tony Gillam and Guy Van Habberney have contributed to our pictorial report.
Interview with Rudolf Glenk
On the occasion of his 75th birthday (on 12th of December, 2012), our Forchheim member Rudolf Glenk has given an interesting interwiew to Udo Güldner which was published on the website of the chess club Forchheim: - Rudolf Glenk delivers some insight into his collection (in German).
Rolf Littorin turned 90!
On 3rd of January, 2012 our Swedish senior member and KWA founding member Rolf Littorin could look back on 9 decades. So he now belongs to the small group of the doyens of the KWA.