Jan Kalendovský
Jan Kalendovský, Zdeněk Závodný
První mezinarodní šachový turnaj v Praze 1908
Our member Jan Kalendovský has allied himself with another Czech chess historian to fill a long existing gap with this book on the first International Prague Chess Tournament 1908, published exactly 100 years after the event. (Before there was only a Czech book by Kautsky from 1909.) The nicely illustrated work contains 223 (annotated) games, reports of the 19 rounds and a lot of historical material, thus providing an adequate appreciation of that classic tournament where Schlechter and Duras shared first prize, followed by Vidmar and Rubinstein. The reviewers highly recommend the book and praise it with regard to the contents and the high-quality get-up.
Read more:
Page of the publisher (in Czech) Prague 1908 at Wikipedia English reviews by Prof. Nagesh Havanur at Chessville and by John Elburg. Czech reviews by Karel Mokry, Karol Rückschloss, Ivan Hausner and Břetislav Modr.
- Release Date2008
- Languagesczech
- Pages422
- Formatshardback
Jan Kalendovský
Královna Šachu Věra Menčíková
Recently a biography of Vera Menchik-Stevenson has been published, written by our member Jan Kalendovský. Michael Negele has provided a short presentation with some excerpts from the book:
A couple of weeks ago I received a parcel from Prague which contained a nice surprise:
My long-term chess friend Jan Kalendovský from Brno in the Czech Republic had sent his most recent publication.
His book is dealing with the life-story and chess career of the former Czech, then British Ladies World Chess Champion Vera Menchik-Stevenson. The title is Královna Šachu Věra Menčíková - easy to understand: Chess Queen Vera Menchik / Schachkönigin Vera Menchik.
Even if I am not able to read Czech, I like to share some impressions when delving into this wonderful book.
After browsing through the nicely produced hardcover edition of 150 pages and 20.5x26.5 cm size, I was amazed by the high quality of the overall production: An attractive layout is presented on good paper quality and especially includes an unexpectedly huge amount of illustrations never seen before.
Congratulations to the author, a translation into English would be highly appreciated.
More details on the distribution by the JAKURA publishing house can for sure be received from the author.
Michael Negele
- PublisherJakura, 2016
- ISBN978-80-905725-9-1
- Languagesczech
- Pages152
- Formatshardback