Graves of well-known Chess Masters and Chess Personalities

Another page which deals with gravesites of chess masters is Edward Winter's compilation Chess Explorations (8) - Graves of Chess Masters.

A nice booklet on "chess graves" was published 5 years ago in the Netherlands:
Rob Bijpost, Fred van der Vliet: Schaakgraven. Schaakkoerier no. 82. Motiefgroep Schaken (ed./publ.), 2006, 44 pp.
Here the cover of the booklet as PDF. The contents is also given on

The "Grave Hunters" Tomasz Lissowski and Jurgen Stigter at the Jewish Cemetery of Warsaw (Photograph by Calle Erlandsson)
The "Grave Hunters" Tomasz Lissowski and Jurgen Stigter at the Jewish Cemetery of Warsaw (Photograph by Calle Erlandsson)