Dinner in the Italian restaurant AL DUOMO: Wolfgang Remin (in the front left) and Günter Büsing (directly opposite); Rolf Littorin is flanked by his daughter and his chess friend Stefan Diebitz, while his son-in-law is sitting next to W. Remin
Bert Corneth and his wife having a talk with Ralf Binnewirtz
Auctioneer Dr. Karl Klittich after the chess auction on November, 20
Top-class collectors by themselves: Rolf Littorin and Jurgen Stigter
Jurgen Stigter and Michael Negele proudly presenting the brand-new Yuletide No.1, next to them – towering over all – Bert Corneth
Wolfgang Remin, Wolfgang Pähtz and Bernd Schippan with some treasures in their field of view
Claes Løfgren, Ralf Binnewirtz and Hans-Jürgen Fresen