Brunswick June 2018
Michael Negele
Laudation for Guy Van Habberney (3rd from right)
Michael Negele
New Honorary Member: Guy Van Habberney
Michael Negele
Danish Dynamite (Claes Løfgren and Per Skjoldager) and Andreas Saremba
Michael Negele
Hans-Jürgen Fresen and Bernd Schneider
Michael Negele
Thomas Thompsen
Michael Negele
Just after the beginning (the white side)
Michael Negele
Just after the beginning (the black side)
Michael Negele
Michael Negele
Norbert Geissler (3rd from left), a problemist, is helpful in the CH&LS-Team
Michael Negele
Nimzowitsch expert Per Skjoldager in the lead
Michael Negele
The Nimzowitsch expert explains: "There is the hole."
Michael Negele
Still White is quite OK
Michael Negele
d5, a positional mistake
Michael Negele
Michael Negele
Michael Negele
IM Elisabeth Pähtz is still confident, but her uncle is worried
Michael Negele
13. ... g6, and now white has a problem to solve
Michael Negele
The referee looked and acted too generous
Michael Negele
Bird's view and Elisabeths aunt looks suspicious
Michael Negele
Misplaced knight on b3 and pair of bishops
Michael Negele
Matthias and Per are most confident to win
Michael Negele
More concerned after the check
Michael Negele
The two bishops are awful
Michael Negele
Terrible threats on the f-line and invasion of the second rank
Michael Negele
Black wins a second pawn, game over
Michael Negele
Rook endings are always drawn
Michael Negele
Just before the win
Michael Negele
The winning move
Michael Negele
The endgame is no study for Harrie Grondijs
Michael Negele
Per, Claes, Elisabeth: after 10 year again a strong team
Michael Negele
Post Mortem with the announcer
Michael Negele
At the end all were happy: Matthias Limberg, Claes Løfgren,Per Skjoldager, Elisabeth Pähtz and Norbert Geissler
Michael Negele
At the dinner in the restaurant Katané
Michael Negele
Even after a loss in perfect mood. Elisabeth Pähtz with Bob van de Velde