Hans-Jürgen Fresen
The well-known Bochum top collector Hans-Jürgen Fresen has several special collecting fields, a collection of commemorative publications and chronicles of German chess clubs belongs to them. For his own club he took up his pen himself and the club chronicle presented by him in the publication depicted here is the result of a long and meticulous research in numerous archives and libraries. And he can be proud of the success of his endeavours, as his many findings made it necessary to completely rewrite the early history of the Bochumer Schachverein 02.
Hans-Jürgen Fresen, Norbert Fieberg
80 Jahre Schachbezirk Bochum 1926-2006
- PublisherSchachbezirk Bochum, 2007
- Languagesgerman
- Pages145
- Formatspaperback
Ralf J. Binnewirtz, Hans-Jürgen Fresen
Obliged to Tradition ...
Bibliography of Commemorative Publications
- PublisherScacchi e Scienze Applicate, Venezia, 2008
- Languagesenglish, german
- Pages214
- Formatspaperback
- Attachments Einleitung.pdf (30.2 KiB)
- Introduction.pdf (32.8 KiB)
- Errata.pdf (108.5 KiB)