Peter de Jong

The jubilee book on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the Chess Club Utrecht was officially authored by Robert Beekman, but our member Peter de Jong has considerably contributed to this fine commemorative publication as he told himself in his mail from August 2011 – where you will also find some more details about the work. (A usual title page is missing and there is also no imprint but an intro page with photos of the two authors.) The seemingly strange title "Qui perd gagne!" (today this is the French term for "Losing Chess") was explained by Peter de Jong in his mail afterwards, he refers to the written record by Olland you will find in the book (p.17). However it remains open if that "Qui perd gagne" played in Utrecht was really an early version of Losing Chess or (more likely) the kind of "Selfmate Chess" played in France in 19th century correspondence games (Paris – Marseille 1878) – at least the date (the 1880s in Utrecht) is very near.

The get-up of the book is neat and solid (hardcover, glossy paper, thread-stitching), and it contains an immense number of historically interesting photos. Some excerpts from the book in this PDF file.

(R.B., IV 2013)

Peter de Jong

600 Schaakgezichten

Peter de Jong

Max Euwe - Verhalen en Partijen

It was in 1935 - now 80 years ago - that Max Euwe became the 5th world chess champion. On this occasion our Dutch member Peter de Jong will release two books on Euwe and Dutch chess history.
All information is gathered in the following pdf files:




Richard Forster, Stefan Hansen, Michael Negele

Emanuel Lasker

Denker, Weltenbürger, Schachweltmeister

  • PublisherExzelsior Verlag, 2009
  • ISBN9783935800051
  • Languagesgerman
  • Pages1079
  • Formatshardback
  • See alsoAnnouncement of the Lasker Monograph
  • Description
    1. Wolfgang Kamm & Tomasz Lissowski: Emanuel Laskers Vorfahren, Familie und Kindheit
    2. Tony Gillam: Lasker in Grossbritannien
    3. John Hilbert: Emanuel Lasker - Amerikanische Sichtweisen
    4. Roberto Mayor Gutiérrez & Jesús Bayolo Gonzalez: Emanuel Lasker auf Kuba
    5. Peter de Jong: Laskers Beziehung zu den Niederlanden
    6. Isaak Linder & Wladimir Linder: Emanuel Lasker in Russland
    7. Toni Preziuso: Aus der Schreibmaschine des Schachweltmeisters
    8. Susanna Poldauf: Lasker und die Berliner Boheme
    9. Joachim Rosenthal: Der Mathematiker Emanuel Lasker
    10. Bernd Gräfrath: Lasker als Philosoph
    11. Egbert Meissenburg: Emanuel Lasker - Bibliographie seiner Schriften
    12. Karl Kadletz: Laskers Biograph Jacques Hannak
    13. Wolfgang Angerstein: Laska - Ein strategisches Verstandesspiel
    14. Robert van de Velde: Nicht nur Schach - Emanuel Lasker als Bridgespieler
    15. Hans-Christian Wohlfarth: Lasker und Go
    16. Ralf J. Binnewirtz: Laskers Schachprobleme
    17. Jürgen Fleck: Laskers Endspielstudien
    18. Robert Hübner: Zu den Anfängen von Laskers Schachlaufbahn
    19. Raj Tischbierek: Hastings 1895
    20. Raj Tischbierek: Das Weltmeisterschaftsmatch Lasker-Tarrasch 1908
    21. John Donaldson: Weltmeister ohne Titel
    22. Raj Tischbierek: Laskers Comeback 1934 in Zürich
    23. Viktor Kortschnoi: Drei Partien eines alten Meisters
    24. Thomas Lemanczyk: Laskers Turnier- und Wettkampfpartien
    25. Michael Negele: Jenseits des Zufalls - Schach war doch das Leben