Luca D'Ambrosio

Luca D'Ambrosio

25° anniversario ARCI Scacchi Bolzano

Cronistoria, 1983-2008

Our friend from South Tyrol, a very committed member and one of the three founding members of his chess club ARCI Bozen being left, has now written his first book - also encouraged by our last year's "Festschriften" bibliography (2008): a nicely made commemorative publication on the occasion of the 25th club anniversary containing a comprehensive chronicle of the club with numerous pictures and tournament tables as well as a few games. The reader will receive a more detailed impression of the book at the club homepage (Presentation (pdf) / Notes of 1 August 2009 (pdf) / Some pages from the book (pdf) / Photo gallery 'Presentation of the book'). Moreover there are two current entries on the book (26/08 and 06/09/2009, in German) at the site of the South Tyrol Chess Association ASV Südtiroler Schachbund.


115 pages, paperback, colour printing on glossy paper!
  • PublisherARCI Scacchi Bolzano, 2009
  • Languagesitalian
  • Pages116
  • Formatspaperback
  • See alsoD'Ambrosio, Luca

Luca D’Ambrosio

Die Internationalen Schachturniere zu Meran 1924 und 1926

The long-awaited tournament book on Meran 1924 and 1926 by our Italian member Luca D’Ambrosio has been published now!

See also the announcement at

Price, 20% reduced only for KWF&A members: 62 € + postage
The postage varies between 23 € and 44 €, depending on the country of destination and the kind of delivery. Available on request (together with the bank details), please address yourself to Luca D’Ambrosio .

For readers' reactions see

Cover verso

Fabrizio Zavatarelli, Luca D’Ambrosio, Michael Burghardt

Die Feuilletons von Ignaz Kolisch

Erlebnisse, Nachdenkliches und mehr aus der Feder eines erfolgreichen Bankiers und Schachmeisters

Die Feuilletons von Ignaz Kolisch - frontcover
Die Feuilletons von Ignaz Kolisch - frontcover