Luca D'Ambrosio
Luca D'Ambrosio
25° anniversario ARCI Scacchi Bolzano
Cronistoria, 1983-2008
Our friend from South Tyrol, a very committed member and one of the three founding members of his chess club ARCI Bozen being left, has now written his first book - also encouraged by our last year's "Festschriften" bibliography (2008): a nicely made commemorative publication on the occasion of the 25th club anniversary containing a comprehensive chronicle of the club with numerous pictures and tournament tables as well as a few games. The reader will receive a more detailed impression of the book at the club homepage (Presentation (pdf) / Notes of 1 August 2009 (pdf) / Some pages from the book (pdf) / Photo gallery 'Presentation of the book'). Moreover there are two current entries on the book (26/08 and 06/09/2009, in German) at the site of the South Tyrol Chess Association ASV Südtiroler Schachbund.

- PublisherARCI Scacchi Bolzano, 2009
- Languagesitalian
- Pages116
- Formatspaperback
- See alsoD'Ambrosio, Luca
Luca D’Ambrosio
Die Internationalen Schachturniere zu Meran 1924 und 1926
The long-awaited tournament book on Meran 1924 and 1926 by our Italian member Luca D’Ambrosio has been published now!
See also the announcement at
Price, 20% reduced only for KWF&A members: 62 € + postage
The postage varies between 23 € and 44 €, depending on the country of destination and the kind of delivery. Available on request (together with the bank details), please address yourself to Luca D’Ambrosio
For readers' reactions see

- PublisherSchachklub ARCI Bozen, 2014
- Languagesgerman
- Pages500
- Formatshardback
- MiscellaneousLimited edition of 330 copies, large format (27.4 x 20.9 x 3.6 cm), thread-stitching, dust jacket, picking belt, weight 2.2 kg
- See alsoDie Internationalen Schachturniere zu Meran 1924 und 1926
- Attachments dambrosio_frontcover.pdf (301.3 KiB)
- dambrosio_excerpt.pdf (2.2 MiB)
- meran_folder.pdf (1.1 MiB)
Fabrizio Zavatarelli, Luca D’Ambrosio, Michael Burghardt
Die Feuilletons von Ignaz Kolisch
Erlebnisse, Nachdenkliches und mehr aus der Feder eines erfolgreichen Bankiers und Schachmeisters

- PublisherEdition Marco, 2020
- ISBN978-3924833824
- Languagesgerman
- Pages544
- Formatshardback
- Miscellaneous25 images
- See alsoDie Feuilletons von Ignaz Kolisch
- LinkEdition Marco