Chess Students Quarterly
As the third volume of our Ken Whyld trilogy a reprint of the periodical Chess Students Quarterly has come out, again from the printing press of Vlastimil Fiala's Publishing House Moravian Chess:
Whyld, K. / Cordingley, E.R.G.: Chess Student - contains all volumes of 'The Chess Students Quarterly', Vol. 1-6. Published in August 2007; 568 p., € 35.- (shop price)
Vlastimil Fiala will offer this book to KWA members at a good price of € 20.- only.
The preparatory work on the CSQ reprint (scanning and working over of the scans) proved to be especially laborious - due to the partly poor quality of the originals; we owe the completion of these preliminaries to Michael Negele who invested a large part of his leisure time in it. Moreover he contributed a preface garnished with passages from Ken Whyld's quite personal article on his friend E.G.R. Cordingley. Below we offer both for reading:
Michael Negele's Preface of the CSQ Reprint
Ken Whyld: E.G.R. Cordingley. Publishing Pioneer (jpg-file, 700 KB) - taken from CHESS December 1999
At this point we would like to thank Andy Ansel and Tony Gillam too for sending original CSQ issues. A valuable enlargement of our reprint is the inclusion of Ken Whyld's first publication Match Bronstein - Boleslavski 1950, we are again very obliged to Tony Gillam who gave the permission for its reprinting.
Additional Notification (02/11/2007):
Unfortunately it turned out that owing to a production fault the second part of issue 16 (p. 465-484) has not been included in the CSQ reprint. We ourselves regret it most that the reprint has been unsuccessful in this regard, and we would like to apologize to all those who are affected. We offer the missing pages here as a pdf-file:
CSQ Issue 16, part 2 (11.9 MB)