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Henri Serruys

Chess Ex-libris Catalogue 2004

  • HerausgeberSelf-published, 2004
  • Seitenanzahl206
  • Siehe auchSerruys, Henri

Daniel E. O'Sullivan (Ed.)

Chess in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age

A Fundamental Thought Paradigm of the Premodern World

Wilhelm Steinitz

Chess Match Messrs. Steinitz & Blackburne

Werner Keym

Chess Problems Out of the Box

  • HerausgeberNightrider Unlimited, 2018
  • ISBN978-3-935586-14-6
  • Sprachenenglish
  • Seitenanzahl184
  • Formatehardback
  • Sonstiges500 problems by 230 authors, + bonus references to 70 related problems
  • Siehe auchIngenious chess puzzles
  • Beschreibung

    Here is a stupendous anthology of 500 extraordinary chess problems. They are about castlings, en-passant captures, pawn promotions, tasks, unconventional first moves, retro puzzles, text problems, retractors, proof games, records, chess jokes, strange chess stories. Such problems are entertaining, exciting, witty, funny and often computer-defying.

    There is even a suggestion for a better procedure in the Chess World Championship Match.

    Werner Keym is a German expert in chess problems showing castling, en-passant capture and pawn promotion. For years problem-lovers have enjoyed his unusual puzzles, his funny chess jokes and his stories in the tradition of Sam Loyd.

Ken Whyld

Chess Reader

Volume I. - VI.

  • HerausgeberCaissa 90-Olomouc, 2004
  • ISBN8071895105
  • Sprachenenglish
  • Seitenanzahl457
  • Formatehardback
  • SonstigesReprint, original edition 1955
  • Siehe auchReprint des Chess Reader
  • Beschreibung

    Reprint of the Chess Reader

    The reprint of the Chess Reader had also been initiated before our foundation, consequently the first printing of 100 copies by the “Publishing House Moravian Chess” could already be delivered a short time after our foundation event. So our members will be delighted to get a copy prior to this year’s Christmas, all the more as it represents a gift of our present chairman Jurgen Stigter to the founding members. Therefore – surely in the name of all members – heartfelt thanks to him!
    We owe further thanks to Tony Gillam who as the copyright owner agreed to the project, as well as to Vlastimil Fiala for willingly undertaking the printing and for the rapid publication.

    As an introduction to the Chess Reader we would like to provide you with some quotations and information:

    Tony Gillam in his obituary of
    Ken Whyld:

    „At this time (the 1950s), Ken was busily collecting chess books. He began a magazine (Chess Reader, 1955-63) devoted to reviewing new chess books and during its lifetime he wrote over 500 reviews. This was not only a clever way of getting free copies but it gave him an outlet for his writing skills. This magazine is now completely unobtainable, even on the secondhand market, which is
    a great shame as it means that Ken’s beautifully crafted reviews are also unavailable.“

    Excerpt from A Walk on the Whyld Side (reprinted from CHESS 11/1998, in: Sarah Hurst, Curse of Kirsan. Milford, 2002):

    "Throughout the 1950s Whyld had also produced his own magazine, The Chess Reader. This was quite different from The Chess Student’s Quarterly, being exclusively devoted to reviews and discussions of chess books, but it had the same effect of keeping the editor in touch with chess buffs around the world. Whyld was simply doing something he wanted – keeping a record of new chess publications and obtaining a few free review copies along the way. Long before the invention of the PC and desktop publishing software, he laboriously typeset the pages. “I typed everything out with dots to the end of the line to see how many spaces I had to leave, then I typed each page out again with right-hand justification.” "

    Foreword by Dr. Meindert Niemeijer (1902-1987) in CHESS READER Volume I, no. I:

    "A magazine for chess bibliophiles is a “rara avis“ in the chess world, but certainly there is a need for one since ”Les cahiers de L’échiquier français” are no more issued. Therefore the intention to publish such a periodical in the English language deserves the support of all those who are interested in the secondary aspects of chess.

    Only he who is not merely alive to the practical game but also to the history and the literature of the game of all games, will fully undergo the fascinating influence it exercises on humanity for many centuries.

    May a great success be granted to Mr. K. Whyld to his new magazine.

    Dr. M. Niemeijer."

Das Vorwort des letzten CR-Heftes können Sie hier einsehen
Erster Leitartikel, Seite 1
Erster Leitartikel, Seite 2
Letzter Leitartikel (Weihnachten 1963)

Ken Whyld, E.G.R. Cordingley

Chess Student


Frank Hoffmeister

Chess Theory from Stamma to Steinitz, 1735–1894

Frank Hoffmeister - Chess Theory from Stamma to Steinitz, 1735–1894 - Titelseite
Frank Hoffmeister - Chess Theory from Stamma to Steinitz, 1735–1894 - Titelseite

Frederic Madden

Chess-men of Lewis

  • HerausgeberMartin Ramsauer Verlag
  • Formatehardback
  • SonstigesReprint; format 30 x 21 cm
  • Siehe auchChess-men of Lewis

Arie van der Stoep, Jan de Ruiter, Wim van Mourik

Chess, Draughts, Morris & Tables. Position in Past & Present

Danzer's Armee-Zeitung 1903-04 / Offiziers-Schachzeitung 1904, Offiziers-Schachzeitung 1905, Armee-Schachzeitung 1906-07

Matthias Aumüller

Das Schachspiel in der europäischen Literatur

Mario Ziegler

Das Schachturnier London 1851

Martin Ramsauer

Der Blindschachwettkampf zwischen Jacques Mieses und Carl Schlechter in Stuttgart, 13.-15. Januar 1909

eine Zusammenstellung der Quellen von Martin Ramsauer

Konrad Reiß

Der Correspondenz–Schachkampf zwischen dem Dessauer Schachverein und Frauen des Schachdorfes Ströbeck 1886/87

Ein frühes Zeugnis des organisierten Frauenschachs in Deutschland

Konrad Reiß - Der Correspondenz–Schachkampf zwischen dem Dessauer Schachverein und Frauen des Schachdorfes Ströbeck 1886/87 - Titelseite
Konrad Reiß - Der Correspondenz–Schachkampf zwischen dem Dessauer Schachverein und Frauen des Schachdorfes Ströbeck 1886/87 - Titelseite

Cezary W. Domanski, Tomasz Lissowski

Der Großmeister aus Lublin

Wahrheit und Legende über Johannes Hermann Zukertort

Marcus Hieronymus Vida

Des Markus Hieronymus Vida ausführliche Beschreibung des Schachspiels in Versen

aus dem Lateinischen übersetzt von N. A. Hiesebock

Albert Heyde

Die Brüderschaft

1. u. 2. Jahrgang - 1885/1886

Fabrizio Zavatarelli, Luca D’Ambrosio, Michael Burghardt

Die Feuilletons von Ignaz Kolisch

Erlebnisse, Nachdenkliches und mehr aus der Feder eines erfolgreichen Bankiers und Schachmeisters

Luca D’Ambrosio

Die Internationalen Schachturniere zu Meran 1924 und 1926

Jesús Seoane Sepúlveda

Doug Hamilton

el Tal australiano

  • HerausgeberEditorial Chessy, 2022
  • ISBN978-84-126220-0-3
  • Sprachenenglish, spanish
  • Seitenanzahl674
  • Formatehardback
  • SonstigesDIN-A4 format, paper 90 grs., weight around 2 kg
  • Siehe auchA new book has just been published! For chess collectors: Doug Hamilton el Tal australiano
  • Anhänge seoane_hamilton_sample.pdf (1,6 MiB)
  • Beschreibung

    Dedicated to Doug Hamilton. A fearsome attacking player who inspired new generations of Australian players, such as the creative GM Ian Rogers. In fact, it is a Tribute to the whole of Australian chess. Some GMs and IMs and few of the best players in Australia collaborate in it. The layout designer is Juan Carlos Sanz, who does an impressive job.

    The author, Jesús Seoane, is a Spanish physicist with a remarkable international career and not only a good chess player but also a passionate chess player and book collector.